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Тур по Азербайджану Грузии и Армении 12 Дней

Закавказие , Азербайджан , Армения , Грузия
Глубоко культурный , Сайты ЮНЕСКО , Соло путешественник Tripadvisor
От 21 Отзыв
От 1890 EUR
12 Дней
Групповой тур
Лучшие цены
Без скрытых платежей
Число путешественников
Полная стоимость:
1890 EUR

Основные моменты

• Откройте для себя три старейшие страны мира - Грузию, Армению и Азербайджан всего за один тур.

• Жители Азербайджана сжигали сырую нефть в своих лампах до того, как кто-либо узнал, что это такое.

• Грузия, известная своими сказочными продуктами питания и напитками, претендует на звание первой местности, где выращивают виноград для производства вина.

•Красивая скалистая Армения была первой страной, принявшей христианство в качестве официальной религии.

• Эти страны отличаются своей историей, традициями, культурой и природой. Посетите все «обязательные для просмотра» места в Азербайджане, Грузии и Армении.


Археологические данные свидетельствуют о том, что территория Южного Кавказа является одним из древнейших мест присутствия человека, насчитывающим 3 000 000 лет. Гигантский перешеек Кавказа лежит между Черным и Каспийским морями, служа перекрестком Европы и Азии на протяжении тысячелетий. Страны Южного Кавказа - Грузия, Армения и Азербайджан - отличаются своей историей, языковыми традициями, религиями, культурами и природой. Взаимозависимость была вызвана культурными и политическими связями, поскольку страны развивались на протяжении веков. Исследуя страны Южного Кавказа, вы обнаружите увлекательную культуру перекрестка дорог, объединяющую Европу и Азию. Вы посетите монастыри всемирного наследия, уникальные расписные церкви, пещерные города, потрясающие ущелья и долины, этнографические и исторические музеи, художественные галереи и многое другое ...


День 1

You just need to reach the hotel. You can check in after 14:00. Meeting with guide and driver at 19:00 in the lobby of the hotel and you will have welcome dinner.

Overnight in Baku.

День 2

Tour starts at 9:00 AM, meeting with the guide at the reception of the hotel.

Start excursion and visit historical-art reserve “Gobustan”, where rock paintings have perfectly remained, barrows and housing objects dated from X-XIII millennial BC to the middle Ages. There are certificates of inhabitants of region of an epoch of the Stone Age and the subsequent periods in “Gobustan” - Rock drawings, person parking, gravestone monuments, are concentrated there. Nearby is “Gaval Chalan” - original stone- tambourine, representing flat wise established huge plate. It is possible to hear rhythmic accurate motives by knocking on it. It is considered that these sounds accompanied ritual dances and ceremonies. Visiting of “Gobustan” will transfer you to other world, the world of last mankind and will allow you to feel the atmosphere of thousand-year history of this place.

Lunch time: 13:00-14:00 (According to the guests' decision we will agree on time/Included)

Start exploring Baku. Panorama of the city presented to the height of the mountainous part of a television tower clearly gives an idea of the contrasts and the extent of Baku, the horseshoe bay of Baku. The city is shaped like an amphitheater, descending down to the Caspian Sea. Tour covers the central part of the city showing the most interesting historical and architectural sites.

Visiting “Old Town” or “Inner City”. The territory of” Inner City” - 22 hectares, which represents a small fraction of the total area of Baku (44,000 hectares). However, the concentration of architectural and historical monuments, dictates the need for this excursion into a separate and make this part of Baku, perhaps the most interesting to explore. Maiden Tower (XII century), Palace of Shirvanshahs (XV century), Castle Synyk Gala, Caravan Saray, Juma Mosque - this is not a complete list of attractions of the old Baku. End of the tour. Free time. Overnight in Baku.

День 3
Baku – Shemakha - Sheki (Note)

After breakfast, drive to Shamakhy district. Visit the town of Shemakha, Diri Baba Tomb and Yeddi Gumbez. Shemakha was the capital of Shirvan Kingdom for several centuries. Yeddi Gumbaz (The Seven Cupolas) Mausoleum is the burial place for members of the royal families of the Shirvan shahs.

Then drive to village Kish to visit the Albanian church. Legend says that the church was built in 78 AD, but the researchers place it a few centuries later. Dinner at the local restaurant. (Included) End of the tour. Free time. Overnight in Sheki.

День 4
Sheki – Lagodekhi - Tbilisi

Sheki is one of the most famous and ancient places of Azerbaijan. Situated 700 m (2297 ft.) above sea level like an amphitheatre surrounded by the mountains and forests of oak trees, this ancient city was long famed as a silk centre and an important stop on the Great Silk Route. There is an assumption that the name of the town goes back to the ethnonym of the Saks, who reached the territory of Azerbaijan in the 7th century BC. We’ll start our Sheki tour from visiting the 18th century Khan's summer palace with magnificent frescoes and exquisite stained-glass work. Sheki History museum is famous with artifacts from several periods. Then continue to drive to Azerbaijan Georgia border in Lagodekhi. Border formalities, transport and guide change.

Lunch time: 13:00-14:00 (According to the guests' decision we will agree on time/Included)

We continue our way to Khareba winery (or similar winery) to taste some of European style Georgian wines. We continue our Tour by visiting Gremi, a 16th century architectural complex and then we go on to Nekresi monastery. Then we will visit the unique 300-year-old wine cellar where you will learn about Georgian wine making traditions, which differ quite markedly from European methods (only excursion). Drive to Tbilisi. End of the tour. Free time.  Overnight at the hotel in Tbilisi.

День 5
Tbilisi sightseeing tour

Tbilisi sightseeing tour – the Old Town and the New City. The city offers a wide variety of sights, most of them very ancient. We begin our visit just a few minutes’ walk from the hotel in the compact area of Old Tbilisi. Starting at the church of Metekhi, we walk to the brick domes of sulfur baths and then on to spectacularly located Narikala’s fortress – one of the oldest fortresses in Georgia, overlooking Mtkvari river gorge.

Lunch time: 13:00-14:00 (According to the guests' decision we will agree on time/Included)

After that, we visit the synagogue, and the Sioni and Anchiskhati churches, which mark the end of the Old Town. After we visit the treasury of the National Museum of Georgia (Georgian Archaeology from 8th millennium B.C.), Visit the holy trinity cathedral, the third biggest church in the world. End of the tour. Free time. Overnight in Tbilisi.

День 6
Tbilisi – Mtsketa – Ananuri – Stefantsminda - Tbilisi

After breakfast in the hotel, we visit Jvari monastery (6th century). Then we drive north towards the Northern Caucasus along the well-known Georgian Military Road. On the way, we visit Ananuri – a 17th century architectural complex.

Lunch time: 13:00-14:00 (In Panasauri or in Kazbegi - According to the guests' decision we will agree on time/Included)

An exciting drive from Gudauri along the Tergi River will take us to Stepantsminda (Kazbegi) – the main town in the region. From Stepantsminda (Kazbegi) drive with 4 WD vehicles through beautiful valleys and woods brings us to Gergeti Trinity church located at 2170m. In good weather, you can see one of the highest glaciers in the Caucasus – the mountain Kazbegi (5047m). We go back to the Tbilisi. End of the tour. Free time. Overnight in Tbilisi.

День 7
Tbilisi – Gori – Borjomi - Akhaltsikhe

After breakfast at hotel, you will drive to Akhaltsikhe (approximately 3 hrs.) It was founded at least 800 years ago, and was a regional administrative center for the Ottomans from the 16th century up to the Russian-Turkish War. On the way to Akhaltsikhe, we may stop at Uplistsikhe Cave Town-Fortress, which history begins in the I-II millennium B.C. or visit Stalin’s museum in Gori.

Lunch time: 13:00-14:00 (Not included)

Afterwards, a tour to the 13th century Rabat Fortress that is a mix of different religions and architecture. Check-in at the hotel in Akhaltsikhe or Vardzia. In the evening dinner at a local restaurant. (Included) End of the tour. Free time.

День 8
Vardzia – Akhalkalaki – Yerevan

After breakfast at the hotel, a tour to the 2nd century B.C. Khertvisi Fortress, once destroyed by Alexander the Great and a cave monastery Vardzia, the caves of which stretch along the cliff for some five hundred meters and in up to nineteen tiers and which area is believed to be first inhabited during the Bronze Age.

Lunch time: 13:00-14:00 (According to the guests' decision we will agree on time/Included)

After lunch, you go to the border, where you change the transport and guide.

After meeting with the Armenian guide, you move forward to Yerevan - the hospitable capital of Armenia.  Check-in. Rest. End of the tour. Free time. Overnight in Yerevan.

День 9
Yerevan city tour – Etchmiadzin (UNESCO) – Zvartnots (UNESCO) – Yerevan

Start discovering Armenia by a visit to the State History Museum where you get familiar with a complete picture of the Armenian culture and history dating back to 1 million years ago up to nowadays. Then go sightseeing in one of the world's oldest cities – 2796-year-old Yerevan.  Open-air lunch at one of restaurants located just in Hrazdan River gorge.

Lunch time: 13:00-14:00 (According to the guests' decision we will agree on time/Included)

Then you move forward to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin – the spiritual centre of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the seat of the Supreme Patriarch and the Catholicos of all Armenians. Numerous kings and Catholicoses have been crowned and consecrated here. On the way back to Yerevan you stop at the ruins of outstanding Zvartnots Temple. End of the tour. Free time. Overnight in Yerevan.

День 10
Yerevan – Geghard (UNESCO) – Garni – Yerevan

In the morning the coach takes you to Geghard Monastic Complex located on the mountainside of the almost closed amphitheater of harsh cliffs. It is famous for its rock-cut architecture. Thanks to its hard-to-reach area, the Holy Lance, which pierced the side of Christ, has been kept here for 500 years. St. Thaddeus Apostle brought it to Armenia in 33 AD. In honor of the Holy Lance, Ayrivank Monastery (meaning “Cave Monastery”) was renamed Geghart (the Armenian translation of “the Holy Lance”). 

On the way you stop at Charents Arch to enjoy the majestic view of the Biblical Mount Ararat.

Lunch time: 13:00-14:00 (According to the guests' decision we will agree on time/Included)

The next highlight is the only standing pagan temple in Armenia – Garni, devoted to Mihr, who, in accordance with the Armenian Mythology, was the God of the Sun. From here you will enjoy the impressive view of breathtaking high cliffs called “Symphony in the stone”.

An unforgettable experience is waiting for you in Garni village – you can take part in a real ritual of baking national “lavash” bread with local villagers.

Return to Yerevan. Spice this day with an excursion and tasting in well-known Yerevan Brandy Factory. End of the tour. Free time. Overnight in Yerevan.

День 11
Yerevan – Lake Sevan – Haghartsin – Sadakhlo - Tbilisi

It's time to drive to one of the highest fresh-water lakes in the world – the Sevan (1 900m).  From the top of the Sevan Peninsula, you can admire the full view of the lake of volcano-tectonic origin and the adjacent mountain chains.

Then we will continue through the wooded mountains of Dilijan National Park and the deep gorges of Northern regions you stop in mountainous Haghartsin village and move to Lake Parz, Deer farm (where you can feed them).

Lunchtime: 13:00-14:00 (According to the guests' decision we will agree on time/Included)

Say goodbye to Armenia and continue your route to travel within Georgia.

After meeting with the Georgian guide, you move forward to Tbilisi. Check-in. Rest. Gala dinner at the local restaurant.  Overnight in Tbilisi.

День 12

Check out at 12:00 and this beautiful tour finishes.


Включено/Не включено

  • Перевозка на комфортабельном седане, минивэне или микроавтобусе
  • Размещение в двухместных номерах в отелях
  • Услуги рускоязычного гида на всю поездку
  • Half board catering service - Breakfasts at the hotels, lunches 8 times, dinners 3 times
  • Входные билеты
  • Бутылка минеральной воды
  • Международные авиабилеты
  • Международная страховка путешествия
  • Одноместное проживание
  • Личные расходы
Удобства в отеле


12 Осталось мест
От 1890.00 /Персона
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От 1890.00 /Персона
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От 1890.00 /Персона
Доплата за одноместный номер

Отзыви наших гостей

Hermanus Strydom Hermanus Strydom
It was sad that we could not go to Azerbaijan, but instead we started our tour in Batumi. This was a bonus and we enjoyed the Black sea and all the sites in Batumi. The guides did their best to accommodate us and were caring people. There was also a mistake made on our final itenery. The person that worked out the final itenery skipped one day on the programme. So we had one day to spend on our own in Tsiblisi. Consequently we had one day shorter in Armenia. Overall it was a great experience and we saw a large part of especially Georgia.


Neera Kapachi Neera Kapachi
I had taken the 12 day tour of Azerbaijan,Armenia and Georgia with Sakura LLC in September/October of 2021 and it was absolutely amazing. I had traveled solo and there was another couple on the tour with me. The itinerary was excellent - along with the general sightseeing we also got to visit the brandy factory in Yerevan, Armenia and wine tasting in Georgia. The guides in all the places were well informed and excellent. The meals that were included were also superb. I highly recommend this tour. I would love to give it more than five stars!


Neera Kapahi Neera Kapahi
I had a fabulous 12 day trip to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. The places we saw were amazing. The tour guides in each place were knowledgeable and efficient. The meals that were included were very good. The only thing I would recommend is that the hotels in Yerevan and Tbilisi be more centrally located. The Sakura team has also done an excellent job with the planning. I highly recommend this tour.


Jacqueline Mosterd Jacqueline Mosterd
Beautiful and interesting countries. Great food and wine especially in Georgia (and not expensive. Well organized with very knowledgable and very niche guides!


Jacqueline Mosterd Jacqueline Mosterd
Interesting and beautiful countries. Great food and wine (especially in Georgia) and very knowledgable und nice guides. 12 days just right - not to short and not to long!


Debra Urrutia Debra Urrutia
My husband and I took this tour two weeks ago. We had a wonderful time. We purchased our tour through Viator. The tour guides in Azerbaijan (Ulka) and Armenia (Roze) were very good. They were knowledgeable and well prepared. Our guide in Georgia (Leila) was nice and energetic, she did not have a grasp of the history and information of the sights we visited. The other guides were constantly giving us information about customs, culture, history - a little bit of everything during our long trips. The food was good, a little repetitive but there was always plenty. We did not like the hotel in Baku. I would rate it a three star and not a four star hotel. All the sights we visited were wonderful. The museums were great. Overall, it is a great trip.


Marilyn Johnson Marilyn Johnson
go for it very interesting places of worship


PEGGY palos PEGGY palos
A good introduction to the 3 countries


Erika Hay Erika Hay
Tour was great, however there isn't alot of free time included in the itinerary especially in Georgia. Also the itineary could be more specific - i.e. the first day there were no meals included (dinner) and another day the itinerary advised lunch was included when it wasnt


Shona Warwick Shona Warwick
I had a really great time on this group tour. It was well planned out and organised, informative and covered the best places in each country. Our guides in each country Tural, Gela and Nasine were all fantastic and very passionate about us seeing and learning everything about their beautiful countries. The drivers were great too. The hotels and restaurants were all really good. I would highly recommend this tour.


Shona Warwick Shona Warwick
I had a really great time on this group tour. It was well planned out and organised, informative and covered the best places in each country. Our guides in each country Tural, Gela and Nasine were all fantastic and very passionate about us seeing and learning everything about their beautiful countries. The drivers were great too. The hotels and restaurants were all really good. I would highly recommend this tour.


It was an interesting trip with a lot things to see and discover


Daniel Thys Daniel Thys
Very much enjoyed this tour. Overall the accommodations were fine, some of the meals were spectacular and some of the guides outstanding. The schedule was quite heavy and some free time should be built into the schedule by skipping some of the visits.


We really enjoyed this tour, the itinerary covered many different sights and experiences. The guides were friendly & knowledgeable and we appreciated the pride they took in showing us their countries and explaining the history and culture. All the hotels were excellent and in great locations. The local restaurants in each town were amazing and it was great to try the different cuisines, the food was tasty and plenty offered. Travelling in a van as part of a small group also made the tour more comfortable. We highly recommend this tour and feel it was excellent value for money.


Leigh Jenkins Leigh Jenkins
Everything about the tour was fantastic. In each country there was a new guide and all of them were excellent, very friendly and informative. All the hotels were very nice and in convenient locations. The dinners were all in very good- restaurants, great food, great places and often with local dancing and traditional singing. The itinerary ran as advertised and all the places visited were interesting.


William Carl Roe William Carl Roe
We visited Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia and the transfer from one team to the next went well. We were able to customize the trip with our hotel choices. All was handle easily by email. Best of all, we loved each of our three guides.


Jason Dunning Jason Dunning
Totally amazing tour. The different guide for each country made it more special as they were all very knowledgeable about their country. Highly recommend to anyone looking to travel through this region


Eric Galbraith Eric Galbraith
Most definitely will recommend this tour to family and friends. Good value for the price of the tour.


Roberto Sciacovelli Roberto Sciacovelli
Excellent tour. Small group. Excellent tour guides in all countries. Very good hotels (the exception was the hotel in Sheki).


Shourya Singh Shourya Singh
My first experience of an organised travel and I couldn't ask for more -Perfect organisation by Sakura -Amazing Guided Tour -Super efficient Logistics to let you explore what otherwise you would not take the pain to visit -Food fiesta -Felt like family than a tour and travel Brilliant experience and highly recommended


David Henshaw David Henshaw
We took in all the key sights within our tour of Georgia, including wine tasting, Kasbegi, Tbilisi amd the amazing case monasteries in the south. Everything was expertly organised and very professional Huge thanks to our guide Gella, who was extremely knowledgeable and passionate about all thing Georgia. It was a really insightful experience and we'd definately reccomend it. Thanks for everything. Dave and Shauna.


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Дополнительная информация

NOTE - All our guaranteed to depart tours have minimum number of travelers requirement, to make the tour guaranteed to depart there must be at least 3 travelers. Please pay attention to the number of available seats on the date you want to book (maximum number is 12) or contact the our operators - contact us.

Visa information

The fastest and easiest way to check whether you need Georgia or Armenia visa to enter and/or stay in country, or transit the territory of the country is to click on “DO I NEED VISA” button and process step by step with simple online application.





This should be valid for at least six months after you have returned home from your trip. You should also have several blank pages as Visas and entry/exit stamps can take up a whole page.

Plugs & adapters

In South Caucasus the power plugs and sockets are of type C and F. Type C is also known as the standard "Euro" plug. This socket also works with plug E and plug F.

Type F: also known as "Schuko". This socket also works with plug C and plug E.

The standard voltage is 220 V and the standard frequency is 50 Hz.

If you need more specific information about adapters, you can use this link and just enter the country you are going to visit and country you live in: https://www.power-plugs-sockets.com/

Emergency numbers:

Georgia – 112

Azerbaijan – 112

Armenia – 112 or 911

Phone Codes:

Georgia +995

Azerbaijan +994

Armenia +374

Sakura Travel Guide:

Before your trip, you will receive all the necessary information about group tours, phone numbers and schedule. You can see all the inclusions and exclusions, attractions and hotels on tour webpage, as well as all information about palaces you will visit in Sakura Travel Guide, in case of any questions contact us on email: [email protected] or phone numbers: +995 555 209299 +995 579 703570. 


We will help you book cheap flight tickets to Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and, of course, domestic flights (Tbilisi, Batumi), as well as a multitude of other destinations. We have access to a global database of flights by 728 airlines (including American Airlines, United Airlines, Lufthansa) and 200 flight booking agencies, which allows us to find flights in real time and compare them with each other. Use our Flight compare tool to book the best deal on your flight - click here.


Book transfers with our multilingual experienced drivers all around the South Caucasus - click here.

Have a nice trip!

От 1890 EUR
12 Дней
Групповой тур
Лучшие цены
Без скрытых платежей
Число путешественников
Полная стоимость:
1890 EUR

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