Becho, the community strung up the Dolra valley west of‚ Mestia, is a very beautiful area with some wonderful walks that unites thirteen villages. The spectacular, twin-peaked‚ Ushba (4700 m), Georgias toughest and most dangerous mountaineering challenge, towers at the head of the valley. The highest village in the valley, Mazeri, is the best base for several most beautiful Svaneti trekking routes. It is situated about 20 km from‚ Mestia, 1600 meters above sea, and surrounded by wide green meadows and snow-capped mountain peaks. Once upon a time this land was a possession of the princes Dadesh keliani, there was a 10-storey tower that the owners blew up in 1921. The ruins can still be found near the village.
Tourism in Svaneti probably began to develop from this village. Here, through Becho pass, many tourists and climbers arrived, as this pass is the most convenient for the transition from Russia to Svaneti. Besides, a lot of climbers who come to conquer Ushba stayed in Becho.